Estimated due date: May 7th, scheduled an induce date on May 3rd because i was in such pain.
Actual birthdate: May 2nd
Time of birth: 2:09am
Weight: 8lb 7oz
Length: 20 inches
Name: Samuel Bradley Fisher "Sammie or Sam"
Does his name have a meaning to you? My mother who passed when she was 36 went by Sam by her parents. Her name was Sandra, most people called her Sandy. But my grandparents called her Sam or Sammie. My grandparents are very happy to have another little Sammie! Samuel's middle name is Bradley after his father. Bradley's middle name is Scott after his father so we kept with the tradition.
Did you expect labor and delivery be this hard? I expected it to be hard and hurt a lot to go natural. But i feel like you cant really grasp how much it actually will, till you actually do it. And after going threw natural labor, its hard to believe that you did.
Did you take any classes to prepare yourself for labor? I took the hospitals labor and delivery and breastfeeding class. It was like 6 hours on a Saturday. We did it before our first son was born in 2013.
If you could change on thing about your labor and delivery what would it be? I would have tryed using a midwife, it was a pain dealing with what felt like 500 diffrent nurses and doctors trying to make decisions
What was the most unexpected thing during l&d? I expected lots of pain during natural labor. But with that pain came the fact that I need some one to console me. My husbands job of being a "labor coach" or what ever they call it was absolutely essential this time around. When compared to my deliveries with a low key epidural. I feel like our relationship is stronger after me seeing how he could be there for me in my greatest time of need!
What was your husbands most unexpected thing during l&d? He was amazed by how much pain I could take and not pass out haha. But seriously he said watching all the videos can not prepare you to see your loved one going threw it. The whole thing was unexpected to him because he thought he had youtube educated himself... super prepared!
What calmed you down during l&d? My husband was rubbing my head, face and hair. He was telling my reassuring things and the nurse and you were backing them all up and saying the same.
When you first saw your baby what was your first thought? Well I felt outside of my body for a few seconds from the pain coming to and end. My husband shockingly says "its a boy" and what felt like minutes goes by and I say "really" because we both were sure it was gonna be a girl. But my first thoughts were I cant believe I actually have another boy! Id wanted another boy but felt in my gut it was a girl. I was right with my other two children, so I just let go the idea of having another son and accepted we were having a daughter. We had picked out the name Annette, and I am kind of sad now not getting to use it. It's such a pretty name. But I am over joyed to be a boy mom again!
Who does he look like? He has my husband's features but my tone and coloring. He will be a handsome mix of us both!
What was your experience having a birth photographer in the room? It was just what I wanted! Beautiful, with it being my last child, i wanted to remember it. And I would recommend it to anyone. I wish I would have known about it for my others so i could look back at all of them in 20-30 years. The photographer was a big help at the hospital. Being reassuring during hard parts and having conversation in down time. The level of communication from the photographer in the weeks before made me feel like I was always on her mind and she was very committed to getting my delivery photographed!
To book your birth story please contact me at THANK YOU! I am looking forward capturing YOUR birth!