For the past three years I have tried to document our summer in daily pictures... Every summer I have failed. I think one year I even made it past the half way mark, and still failed. This year we set family summer goals we wanted to reach and mine was trying this project again (and learning to play "Over the Rainbow" on the ukulele but I will fail that one miserably).
I knew I needed to do something differently and that's when I came up with the idea to invite others to join in on the fun. A quick Facebook post looking for others to join spread around and before I knew it, the little group that I started, grew to over 60 members.
The rules are simple. Take a picture a day from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Photograph something that represents YOUR summer and/ or YOUR day. Post it to our group and use the hashtags #99daysofsummerproject and #day1 #day2 and so on.
Below is my first finished week! One day in particular wasn't easy but it was easier than in the past because I was being in some way held accountable. So one week down... many more to go but I can't wait to keep going at this point!
This little project is only fun because I have this amazing community around me I wanted to share a few from them. I picked each picture of the day not because it is the best photograph of the day but because to me these pictures scream "Summer in Cincinnati" to me. There are so many, many more amazing photographs, every single one so different but sadly I can't share them all. Here are just a few:
Hope you enjoyed these as much as I do!