Day two, we woke up to some yummy pancakes from Oma and a cooler full of food for our trip! It was so nice not to have to worry about the food for the first few days of this road trip.
We didn't waste much time at Oma's and left soon after breakfast for our first adventure on this trip. I booked a little cabin, situated on a farm by a lake near Kingston Ontario.
We arrived at the Dog Lake Cabin early afternoon and loved everything about it immediately! The setting was perfect. The cabin was small and simple but super cute and had everything we needed!
We were greeted with a cute little sign on the door and Scot had to laugh when I said "Don't let the boys in yet, I want to take pictures of it while it's still clean". I want these twin beds for the boys room.
The cabin had it's own little dock and canoes. The boys immediately went out to fish. Unfortunately Jake's fishing pole was broken beyond repair, even though I reminded him to get his fishing stuff in order before we left. Oh well, he had a fishing net with him and actually managed to catch a few fish with it.
Again, this was a great little cabin. I love the décor, even though simple it was all well done. I am a huge fan of maps and was pretty excited to see a map of the lake on the wall. My favorite part was the view though. Just sitting on the porch and watching the kids play on the dock was pretty special.
The farm itself was pretty cool and we took a small walk around. Lot's of animals to pet and a sweet dog named, Ditch. The owner of the farm at this point walked over, welcomed us and handed us two bags of fresh greens and sprouts for a salad (good thing that salad is one of Jake and Finn's favorite food) and a basket full of firewood.
We decided to take a little canoe trip. Across the lake from the cabin, about a 15 minute paddle, is a little beach with a swimming dock and the kids really wanted to go there. We left with perfect sunshine. Once there the kids jumped out of the canoe and swam a bit and that's when I noticed the black clouds. Aaaaand about 5 minutes later it began to rain. It rained HARD. Kids climbed back into the canoe and Scot and I paddled hard, because now it's also lightning and lightning + water + canoe don't mix. We paddled hard and we all go from being scared to OMG can you believe this is happening to laughing hysterically because now Scot and I are drenched. And I kid you not, we step on the dock and the sun is shining again. Hahaha
After getting all dried up and changed, Jake made Mac 'n Cheese for Finn and him and Scot started building outside a fire with wet logs and newspaper. It took him a little longer than usual but we soon all enjoyed a big campfire.
Being at the lake house was absolutely relaxing and I just loved sitting on the dock with my new camping chair . It really was MY highlight of the day... probably not the boys highlight but mine!
After a while of sitting on the dock, I noticed a family coming back to the cabin... and after a few more minutes I realized that this was a German family with two boys Jake and Finn's age. I took the boys over, introduced ourselves and within a minute all 4 boys were playing Hide and Seek or "Verstecke" in German. This occupied them until late into the night. All 4 of them went fishing, turtle catching and just had a great time exploring the farm together.
I spent the evening untangling Finn's fishing pole, which will seem later in the trip like a daily ritual, and Scot and I sat on the porch for a while. The kids took late night showers and we all went to bed happy and relaxed! Day two was perfect!